Ratts Tyerell (5)
Basic info
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
Species: Aleena
Events: Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Family Relations
Husband of: Mrs. Tyerell
Father of: Deland Tyerell, Djulla Tyerell, Doby Tyerell
Tyerell's Family
Ratts Tyerell was a male Aleena Podracer who participated in the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine in 32 BBY. Born on the planet Aleen Minor, Tyerell had incredible reflexes, which made him an adept Podracer. For several years, he built up his reputation and became well-liked by the other regular racers. He was furious at the way fellow racer Sebulba found his success through cheating and vowed to kill the Dug racer. However, Tyerell perished in the Boonta Eve Classic - his engines were too large for the tight confines of the Laguna Caves, causing him to crash. His son went on to found the Ratts Tyerell Foundation, which attempted to outlaw the sport of Podracing.


See also
Complete list
Episode I : Pod Racer Pack I Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid (VC77) Ben Quadinaros' Podracer (V.POD6) Ratts Tyerell's Podracer (V.POD7) Ratts Tyerell's Podracer (V.POD8)
Micro Machines Episode I Podracing
The Vintage Collection
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Episode I : Pod Racer Pack I
Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid (VC77)
Ben Quadinaros' Podracer (V.POD6)
Ratts Tyerell's Podracer (V.POD7)
Ratts Tyerell's Podracer (V.POD8)
66531 | 66530
26973 / 37499
Tags (2)

Podracer | Anakin Skywalker

Tags (2)

Aleena | DUM-Series Pit Droid

Tags (23)

Podracer | Ben Quadinaros | Toong | Anakin Skywalker | Ronto | Bantha (Creature) | Dewback | Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | Sebulba | Dud Bolt | Mawhonic | Aldar Beedo | Clegg Holdfast | Ebe E. Endocott | Gasgano | Boles Roor | Teemto Pagalies | Veknoid | Kam Nale | Ark Roose | Wan Sandage | Eopie (Creature)

Tags (7)

Podracer | Aleena | Mrs. Tyerell | Deland Tyerell | Djulla Tyerell | Doby Tyerell | DUM-Series Pit Droid

Tags (2)

Podracer | Aleena

Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)

Last updated: 04.11.2021 0:40:18